How to install Anaconda in fedora 33

Hi Frends ! Many time transcurred from the last post and I’m here again and some news.

Anaconda Navigator

Yeah, and many things such as “Oracle Company Close my Facebook fan page” because I had a great community of friends from all world, shared knowledge and friendly solutions.

Obviously, at the “oracle style”, without previous notification and a legal letter.

Today, I start with a list of many pendants, that we shared in my old community.

As How to migrate Oracle database to Postgres, solutions, tools about Kubernetes , docker or Terraforms plans, AWS, terragrount, openshift, many lots of tools and examples, troubleshooting and more about those technologies.

Today I start with, how to install Anaconda in Linux to start with building some solutions such as creating dashboards, analysing information and some work from each day as big data analytics.

Installing Anaconda

You could choose to install it on some platforms such as windows, mac and Linux.

On this, I will explain the process to install in Linux fedora, but is the same process to install on other Linux distributions.

You could download it from here.

Look good right? Let’s go!

Download the software from the last shared link o by the command line:

curl -o

Check the file with the checksum command:


and you will have an output as same :

Do the installation running the following command:


Read anf if you agree with the terms, select YES:

Welcome to Anaconda3 2020.11
 In order to continue the installation process, please review the license
 Please, press ENTER to continue
       End User License Agreement - Anaconda Individual Edition         
 Copyright 2015-2020, Anaconda, Inc.
 All rights reserved under the 3-clause BSD License:
 This End User License Agreement (the "Agreement") is a legal agreement between you and Anaconda, Inc. ("Anaconda") and governs your use of Anaconda Individual Edition (w
 hich was formerly known as Anaconda Distribution).
     A Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography library, a crypto library with the stated goal of improving usability, security and speed.
 Last updated September 28, 2020
 Do you accept the license terms? [yes|no]

when the process is finished, show the message as :

Preparing transaction: done
 Executing transaction: done
 installation finished.
 Do you wish the installer to initialize Anaconda3
 by running conda init? [yes|no]
 [no] >>> 
 You have chosen to not have conda modify your shell scripts at all.
 To activate conda's base environment in your current shell session:
 eval "$(/home/juanandres/anaconda3/bin/conda shell.YOUR_SHELL_NAME hook)" 
 To install conda's shell functions for easier access, first activate, then:
 conda init
 If you'd prefer that conda's base environment not be activated on startup, 
    set the auto_activate_base parameter to false: 
 conda config --set auto_activate_base false
 Thank you for installing Anaconda3!

In my case, I’m using bash console, so I complete with this name, but your complete with the console preferred:

eval "$(/home/juanandres/anaconda3/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"

Running Anaconda Navigator

Okay, for now, its necesary initialized anaconda, with conda init:

conda init 

It’s necesary to activate the Anaconda installation and load the new PATH environment variable:

source ~/.bashrc 

Finished, its possible to probe with a simple command before starting Anaconda IDE:

conda info

It’s important to remember that the Anaconda script, questioned the path where we chose to save the software for future upgrades and too… Running Anaconda Navigator.

It’s possible running from the home installation or run the solution from the command directly, but don’t forget that you need to add the environment variables to the binary path installed.

Anaconda Home installation on my case

Here you will be run as here:


Or export the environment variables and write the command directly:

export ANACONDA_PATH=/home/you_home_name/anaconda3

Run anaconda-navigator and enjoy it!