Kubernetes Storage Manager Part I: PV and PVC


Before starting to focus on the storage explanation, we recommended reading 🤓 the previous article to introduce StorageClass. Well, having said that, I going to start with a question... Have you wondered about how your Kubernetes cluster provides and consumes storage? Thinking in volumes, as directories that contain data accessible to containers within a pod. … Continue reading Kubernetes Storage Manager Part I: PV and PVC

Kubernetes Storage Class: Introduction, explanation, and example


Hello Folks, 👋🏼 to continue with the evolutive topic about Kubernetes, it's very important to talk about how to save the data when we don't think in ephemeral situations. I'm talking about the databases, logs, configurations and more. So, today we'll introduce persistent data, storage and how it works. In Kubernetes, a storage class is … Continue reading Kubernetes Storage Class: Introduction, explanation, and example

Install Kubernetes, Controlplane and Workers


In a previous article about Kubernetes infrastructure, we introduced control-plane and workers concepts. The functionality, how is the relation between both and what are the roles of each one. For better knowledge about the components, and the possibility to know working with a Kubernetes cluster, we need to install the software hands-on. Install Kubernetes Software … Continue reading Install Kubernetes, Controlplane and Workers

Kubernetes: Control Planes and Workers


In Kubernetes, the control plane and worker nodes are two key components that together form the foundation of a Kubernetes cluster. They play distinct roles in managing and running containerized applications. Here's an explanation of each component along with examples and YAML configurations where relevant: Control Plane The control plane is the brain of the … Continue reading Kubernetes: Control Planes and Workers

How to create a secret to deploy container images from the GitLab registry


You know the importance of the security process in Kubernetes and why, we don't use the hardcode variables such as user and password to any pipeline process. Sure, you want to pull registries for your containers from different providers such as docker, Github, etc. (not only Gitlab registry). So, we need to introduce some security … Continue reading How to create a secret to deploy container images from the GitLab registry

GitOps: Argo CD and Application Deployment PoC – part III


In previous articles, we deployed a GitOps infra in Kubernetes and an application using Argo CD (GitOps tool). You know, it's time to introduce some changes in the code to demonstrate the life cycle involved: Pull Request (When you modified the code.) Webhook to Apply automated. Clone Repository, for the first time in each new … Continue reading GitOps: Argo CD and Application Deployment PoC – part III